

  • Uses fraud proofs to ensure the security of transactions.
  • Is a rollup-based scaling solution, which means that it can achieve scalability by batching transactions and processing them off-chain.
  • Is compatible with most Ethereum-based dApps.
  • Has a large user base and a wide range of dApps deployed on it.


  • Is fast and efficient.
  • Has low transaction fees.
  • Is easy to use.
  • Has a large user base and a wide range of dApps deployed on it.


  • Is not as secure as some other layer-2 scaling solutions.
  • Can have higher gas fees than some other layer-2 scaling solutions.
  • Is still under development, so it is possible that it could experience significant changes in the future.



  • Uses fraud proofs and a multi-round dispute resolution process to ensure the security of transactions.
  • Is a rollup-based scaling solution, which means that it can achieve scalability by batching transactions and processing them off-chain.
  • Is compatible with most Ethereum-based dApps.
  • Is one of the most popular layer-2 scaling solutions for Ethereum.


  • Is secure.
  • Is scalable.
  • Is compatible with most Ethereum-based dApps.
  • Is one of the most popular layer-2 scaling solutions for Ethereum.


  • Is not as fast as some other layer-2 scaling solutions.
  • Can have higher transaction fees than some other layer-2 scaling solutions.
  • Is still under development, so it is possible that it could experience significant changes in the future.

Ultimately, the best layer-2 scaling solution for you will depend on your specific needs. If you are looking for a solution that is secure, scalable, and compatible with most Ethereum-based dApps, then either Optimistic or Arbitrum may be a good option. If you are looking for a solution that is particularly fast and efficient, then Optimistic may be a better option. If you are looking for a solution that is particularly secure, then Arbitrum may be a better option.

It is important to note that both Optimistic and Arbitrum are still under development. It is possible that one or both of these platforms could experience significant changes in the future.

Feature Optimistic Arbitrum
Security Uses fraud proofs. Uses fraud proofs and a multi-round dispute resolution process.
Scalability Is a rollup-based scaling solution. Is also a rollup-based scaling solution.
Compatibility Is compatible with most Ethereum-based dApps. Is also compatible with most Ethereum-based dApps.
User base Has a large user base and a wide range of dApps deployed on it. Is also a popular layer-2 scaling solution with a large user base and a growing number of dApps deployed on it.
Speed Is fast and efficient. Is not as fast as some other layer-2 scaling solutions.
Transaction fees Has low transaction fees. Can have higher transaction fees than some other layer-2 scaling solutions.
Ease of use Is easy to use. Is also easy to use.
Development status Is still under development, so it is possible that it could experience significant changes in the future. Is also still under development, so it is possible that it could experience significant changes in the future.

Why I support Arbitrum not Optimistic?

  • Security: Arbitrum uses a more secure fraud-proof mechanism than Optimism. This means that it is less likely that an attacker will be able to defraud the network.
  • Scalability: Arbitrum is more scalable than Optimism. This means that it can handle more transactions per second.
  • Efficiency: Arbitrum is more efficient than Optimism. This means that it uses less gas per transaction.
  • UX: Arbitrum has a better UX than Optimism. This means that it is easier to use for users.

Overall, Arbitrum is a more secure, scalable, efficient, and user-friendly solution than Optimism. If you are looking for a Layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum, then Arbitrum is a good option.